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Madison Contemporary Fiber Artists

Marty Pipp Petillo
"A Single Act of Kindness Throws Out Roots in all Directions and the Roots Spring Up and Make New Trees." Amelia Earhart
Explorations Exhibit
November 2018 - February 2019
Monroe Clinic Hospital, Monroe, Wisconsin
Karin Hanson. Riverbottom

Karin Hanson, Tulip from the Top
Parul Trivedi. Improv-1

Chris Thomas. Alphabet Soup
Maria Swift. Key Sprout

Eileen Somers. Making Connections
Karin Hanson. Tulip Tray

Karen Silvers. Date Night at the Pond
Donna Sereda-DeNovo. Layers #1

Donna Sereda-DeNovo. Layers #2
Cynthia Quinn. Foraging Crow

Karin Hanson. Prealpi Journal
Marty Petillo. Your Mind is a Garden

Leslee Nelson. Celestial Gardens
Pam Moller. A Beginning

Jean Leeson. In Town
Pat Kroth. Shockwave

Dvorah Kaufman. Hiking at Devil’s Lake
Karin Hanson. Mississippi River Box

Sue Jackan. Leaf Explorations
Mary Alice Hart. Lost in the Journey

Laura Gottlieb. My Surface Design Scrapbook Quilt
Candy Flynn. Lake Rocks I

Gini Ewers. We have All the Pieces
LaVay Elg-Scott. Family

Karin Hanson. Martin’s Torch
Karin Hanson. Justin’s Moonlight Stocking

Diane Dempsey. Dali Meets Botany
Karin Hanson. Landing Zone

Eileen Daniels. Under Sea Explorations
Kate Braus. Luminosity

Nancy Blake. Firecracker
Lisa Binkley. Winter Work

Wendy Butler Berns. Arc Abstractions III
Laura Bak-Mahlkuch. Dreams of Green

Laura Bak-Mahlkuch. Beaded Face
Cindy Anderson. Bits and Pieces

Karin Hanson. Iris Pyramid Box
Karin Hanson. Iris Vase

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