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Madison Contemporary Fiber Artists

Marty Pipp Petillo
"A Single Act of Kindness Throws Out Roots in all Directions and the Roots Spring Up and Make New Trees." Amelia Earhart
Connections Exhibit 2016
University of Wisconsin Arboretum, Madison, Wisconsin
Connections to Wisconsin and/or the natural world were the subjects of MCFA's works in this 2016 show.
Kate Braus.
Reeds at Dawn.

Chris Thomas. Midas Can't Compete.
Geke de Vries. Lake Wingra.

Kate Braus.

Mary Alice Hart.
Apis Mellifera.

Laura Moss Gottlieb.
Nature Boy.

Deborah Kades.
Original Garden.

Pat Kroth. Cool Grasses.

Susan Jackan.
Golden Delight.

Leslee Nelson.
Native Flowers -

Sally Miles.
Dreams of Autumn.

Chris Thomas.
Enchanted Garden.

Barbara Schrank.
Summer Prairie
Linda Pustz. Blue
Moon over Our
Wisconsin Prairies.

Linda Neusen. Samples from the

Cynthia Quinn. Feasting Cedar Waxwings.

Barb Lulack.

Dvorah Kaufman.
Heron on Lake

Pam Moller.

Lee Ann Kleeman.
Taking Flight,
Standing Strong,
Holding Firm.

Gini Ewers. Miraculous Monarch.

Candy Flynn.

Lisa Binkley.
Roots and Rivulets.

Diane Dempsey. Seasons of a Tree.

Wendy Butler Berns.
Golden Birch Leaves.

Diane Dempsey.
What I Did on My
Summer Vacation.
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