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Madison Contemporary Fiber Artists

Marty Pipp Petillo
"A Single Act of Kindness Throws Out Roots in all Directions and the Roots Spring Up and Make New Trees." Amelia Earhart
Branching Out Exhibit 2015
Plymouth Art Center, Plymouth, Wisconsin
This show pushed MCFA members to "branch out" in new directions.

Barb Schrank. Birches I.

Barb Schrank. The Prairie.

Pam Niebauer. Colorful Branches.

Barb Schrank. Prairie Rain.

Lisa Binkley. Unfettered & Alive.

Linda Pustz. Emergence.

Linda Neusen. Golden Ratio:
Vegetable, Mineral, Animal.
Pam Niebauer. Children--Torn and Mending #1

Leslee Nelson. Treasures Vessel.

Pam Moller. Seeing into Eternity.

Pam Moller. Odelle.

Pam Niebauer. Children--Torn and Mending #3.

Barb Lulack. Ode to Summer.

Barb Lulack. Je T'aime;
Down the Rabbit Hole.

Barb Lulack. Blowing in the Wind.

Pat Kroth. Bark 1, II, III.

Jean Leeson. Ice Caves.
Lee Ann Kleeman. Taking Flight,
Standing Strong, Holding Firm.

Susan Jackan. Radiant Roots.

Lee Ann Kleeman. "No Walk in the Park":
Hiking at Pieninski Park, Poland and Slovakia

Dvorah Kaufman. Branching Out.

Lee Ann Kleeman. On the Edge:
Hiking at Exit Glacier, Alaska.

Chris Thomas. Growing Wild.

Susan Jackan. The Heart of the Matter.
Laura Moss Gottlieb. Holding On,
Letting Go.

Candy Flynn. Euca Trio.

Diane Dempsey. Swallowtail Sweep.

Laura Moss Gottlieb. Blessed Shade.

Candy Flynn. Cotton Sampler.

Geke de Vries. Door County Sunset.

Laura Moss Gottlieb. San Juan Street.

Laura Moss Gottlieb. Light and Dark, Inside and Out.

Candy Flynn. Beaded Path.

Wendy Butler Berns. Swirling Rainbows.

Kate Braus. Plum Blossoms.

Wendy Butler Berns. Unconditional Love...Always.

Kate Braus. Flowers All.

Pam Moller. Shadow of Once Upon a Time.

Wendy Butler Berns. Radiant Wildfire.

Kate Braus. Ties That Bind.

Sally Miles. The Return.

Sally Miles. Vessel.

Leslee Nelson. Signs of Spring.

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