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Madison Contemporary Fiber Artists

Marty Pipp Petillo
"A Single Act of Kindness Throws Out Roots in all Directions and the Roots Spring Up and Make New Trees." Amelia Earhart
In Living Color 2014, 2015
MCFA held an exhibit with this title at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Pyle Center in fall 2014 and exhibited an expanded version with the same title at the Anderson Arts Center, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in spring 2015. Unless otherwise indicated, the pieces below were in both shows.
Diane Dempsey. Mangrove Magic.

Barb Schrank. Time for Spring.

Linda Neusen. Swiss Chard Jungle.

Marty Petillo. Little Sprout.

Sally Miles. Improvisation--Raw Umber.

Linda Pustz. Meandering Movements.

Lorraine Torrence. Checkerboard Flash Gordon.

Leslee Nelson. Nail Colors.

Candy Flynn. Beet Sampler.

Sally Miles. Creative Source.

Natalie Sewell. The Red Barn.
Pyle Center show only.

Jean Leeson. Lover.

Susan Jackan. Visit to a Coneflower I.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Diane Dempsey. Buckeye.

Chris Thomas. Something New Breaking Forth.

Lee Ann Kleeman. Memories of Hawaii.

Pat Kroth. Variable Winds.

Stacy Corless. Peaceful Pond.

Lisa Binkley. Primordial Blossom.

Laura Moss Gottlieb. Cherry Blossoms in Tokyo.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Wendy Butler Berns. Trish and Tweety.

Kate Braus. The Big Island.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Lorraine Torrence. Shifting Napoleons.

Linda Pustz. Fired Energy.

Barb Lulack. Pinkie the Flamingo.

Jean Leeson. Puzzle Piecing.

Susan Jackan. Looming Large.

Candy Flynn. Brown 1.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Geke de Vries. Waves of Color: Echo Weave.

Wendy Butler Berns. Pure Joy.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Lisa Binkley. Letting Go.
Anderson Arts Center only.

Susan Jackan. Torch Ginger.

Lorraine Torrence. Thunderclouds Approaching.

Pat Kroth. Secret Garden.

Wendy Butler Berns.
Dreaming...In Living Color:
The Imagination Unleashed.

Lisa Binkley. That Good Night.

Barb Lulack. Yayoi's Garden.

Leslee Nelson. Killer Clowns.

Kate Braus. Flowers All.

Chris Thomas. Prismatic Forest.
Pam Niebauer. Hand-Dye #123.

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